The Ex-Worker

by CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective · · ·

Welcome to the Ex-Worker: an audio strike against a monotone world! This twice-monthly podcast explores a wide range of anarchist ideas and action. In each episode, we take an in-depth look at a different topic, introducing various manifestations of the struggle for liberation, and round it off with news, reviews, profiles of current anarchist projects, upcoming events, and more. If you're curious about anarchist visions of freedom—or if you dream of a world off the clock—tune in!

While students all over the country (and ) we make the pitch for an anarchist movement. In wild, wonderful, and apparently rebellious West Virginia, have shut down every public school in the state, while treesitters are to the Mountain Valley...
This episode is packed to the gills with news! There is and folks in the against the fascist creep. and an inspiring model to . We offer some analysis about the school shooting in Parkland, FL and interview both an anarchist attending the student...
The second episode of our second season! There is antifa activity in , , and . Vaneesa Hopson died while in the custody of Olympia police and we report on . There are across Hong Kong and Europe, by in Washington, and as part of the Fight for 15...
The first episode of our new season! This week we run down the list of antifascist confrontations from to . We also share a call for on March 5. in Portland, in New Orleans, and in Indonesia are all getting organized. Camille, Camille, and...
In of the Ex-Worker, we conclude our series of reflections on 2017 with an audio version of the recently published essay “.” It analyzes five key turning points in 2017, assessing how anarchists took part and what lessons we can learn for the...
As we , what lessons can we take from the inspiring but traumatic year that was 2017? In , we interview three anarchists who reflect on their role on the front lines of struggles against the state and fascism over the past year. Hex, who at a Seattle...
In this episode, we take an in-depth look at the blockade in Olympia, WA that stopped a train carrying fracking supplies for twelve days. {January 19, 2018} -------SHOW NOTES------ Table of Contents: Introduction {0:05} How Did...
In the first of two episodes looking back over 2017, we present an audio version of the recently published CrimethInc. feature The article charts the rise and fall of the alt-right through the lens of the conflicts that erupted in the San Francisco...
Our final episode for the season! But we’ll be back in February. This week, antifascist students were active with a #StopSpencer week of action at the and shutting down Lucian Wintrich at the . keep coming up at the [#J20...
The Rebel Girl goes over the last week of , anti-#ThingsTaken across Turtle Island. The is going strong, opening up space for struggle and churning out . Anarchists in Chile demonstrate what looks like, and is spreading across Puerto Rico. Stay...
This week’s episode is packed with resistance news from across Turtle Island and beyond. Struggles led by water protectors are happening, seemingly, everywhere. This past week, , while prisoners have not. We have a brief update on . We also have...
Today is the beginning of the inauguration protester trials in DC. There are some important developments in the case, so we interview Sam from about what’s going on and how to support the . We also interview a Polish anti-fascist from Warsaw about...
In this episode, we share the first-person stories of three comrades on the frontlines of grand jury resistance. As the state escalates repression through a new grand jury investigation in North Carolina against longtime anarchist Katie Yow, this...
This week we have a greater amount of to report on than usual. We interview Sam from about the first trials beginning next week, and what people can do to . After the mass shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas on Sunday, we explore whether it makes...
This week we bring you two interviews: one with a southern anarchist who went to Tennessee to oppose the on Saturday, and another with an anarchist in Catalonia about developments and reflections on there. Our headlines and repression roundup take...
In this we have three different interviews about the . As democratic confederalist Kurdish forces in Rojava are beating back ISIS, the nationalist, capitalist Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq is threatening civil war with the Iraqi military. In...
In this we share the anti-fascist call from Florida to . We discuss the upcoming J20 trials in which nearly 200 protesters are for protesting the inauguration, as well as the outcome of the that just concluded in Paris. Considering the and in the...
This week we bring you a slew of reports from across so-called North America. We also fill you in on an that took over McCormick prison in South Carolina. The continues, this week with violent fascist and pro-Spanish reaction. White supremacists...
This week we go on a bunch of rants. We rant about in Catalonia. We rant about to position itself as the principal force protecting people from Nazi violence. We rant about how must mean and a Rant rant rant! Rah rah rah! {October 4, 2017} ...
This week we have a ton of headlines about rebellion and cooperation, resistance and mutual aid, from all over the world. continue into their second week after the not guilty verdict for a white cop who viciously murdered Anthony Lamar Smith, a young...