The Ex-Worker

by CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective · · ·

Welcome to the Ex-Worker: an audio strike against a monotone world! This twice-monthly podcast explores a wide range of anarchist ideas and action. In each episode, we take an in-depth look at a different topic, introducing various manifestations of the struggle for liberation, and round it off with news, reviews, profiles of current anarchist projects, upcoming events, and more. If you're curious about anarchist visions of freedom—or if you dream of a world off the clock—tune in!

Another May Day come and gone! After we catch up on how radicals around the world celebrated it in the streets this year, we'll turn back the clock a few decades to a particularly notorious May: Paris in 1968. The strikes and riots that nearly toppled...
#22: Ukraine April 23, 2014
This week on the Ex-worker, we're responding to a few listener requests and presenting an analysis of the situation in Ukraine, largely borrowed from our recent feature The Ukrainian Revolution and the Future of Social Movements. We'll also hear an...
We're back with the second installment of our exploration of anarchism's complicated relationship with communism. Ex-worker's Russia correspondents Misha and Anastasia come to us through the fuzzy airwaves of history, reporting live from the...
It turns out we have a lot to say about our relationship to communism, so we're breaking this theme segment up into a two-parter. We'll start off our gargantuan exploration by covering some basic definitions of communism and socialism, and...
Our discussion of communism will have to wait … because post-socialist Bosnia is erupting in rebellion! In this episode, we share two interviews with anarchists from the Balkans reflecting on the current uprisings, along with recent updates and...
Anarchism ain't what it used to be … if you search iTunes or Youtube these days, you'll find defenders of capitalism and private property claiming the A word more than ever. In our 18th installment of the Ex-Worker, we kick off a two episode...
As we complete this episode, trial is about to begin for the NATO 3, Chicago anarchists facing domestic terrorism charges after being entrapped by informants during a 2012 protest summit. To understand the case and its context, the Ex-Worker explores...
#16: Back to Black Jan. 13, 2014
It's a new year and a new episode of the Ex-Worker! In our sixteenth installment, we backtrack a little to cover our biggest topic ever: what is anarchism? What pathways led today's rebels to embrace anarchy, and what does it mean to them? We'll hear...
In our first-ever holiday special, Clara and Alanis take a whirlwind tour through two hundred years of blistering anarchist critiques of religion and morality. From romantic poets to guillotined dynamite artists, from Enlightenment philosophers to...
#14: Squat the World! Dec. 1, 2013
In this episode, Alanis and Clara allegedly break into an abandoned building to begin a conversation about squatting--and why it's so important to anarchists. This episode includes two interviews--one with participants in a squatted social center in...
Some radicals believe the internet prefigures a decentralized utopia; others foresee a new digital feudalism of total management and surveillance. In this episode, Clara and Alanis take on the recent CrimethInc. feature "Deserting the Digital Utopia,"...
Anarchist resistance to fascism has a long and colorful history. Our second episode on anti-fascism looks into how anarchists fought against Franco in the Spanish Revolution and beyond. We share an exciting interview with Occupied London about fascism...
Recently murdered Greek anti-fascist rapper Killah P is just the latest casualty in a worldwide surge of fascist violence. In this episode, we analyze contemporary fascism and the resistance anarchists have mounted to it, including the history of...
Building on our previous exploration of insurrectionary anarchism, our tenth episode examines how these ideas apply to environmental struggles today, as we share excerpts from a debate about "The Issues Are Not The Issue," a critical discussion of...
#9: No Time to Wait Sept. 3, 2013
We've thrown around the term insurrectionary anarchism in recent discussions, so in our ninth episode we seize the moment and dive headlong into this tendency, exploring where it came from and what it looks like today. We also review the classic...
To conclude our series focusing on prisons and police, our eighth episode looks into strategies to dismantle the prison industrial complex and to hold each other accountable without the state. We interview members of Critical Resistance and Support...
In our seventh episode of the Ex-Worker, we turn south to focus on the massive rebellions that broke out across Brazil in June. We share excerpts from the in-depth report we published from Brazilian anarchist comrades that traces a timeline of the...
So we're still not lovin' the cops—but how do we live without them? In our sixth installment of the Ex-Worker, we follow up on our last two episodes about prisons and police with a discussion of how to stay safe without the state. We also hear a...
In this episode, the Ex-Worker takes a crack at the police; we speak with Kristian Williams, the author of Our Enemies in Blue, and members of East Atlanta Copwatch. Join us for news from around the world and a review of To the Indomitable Hearts: The...
In this episode, we at the Ex-Worker's Collective steal enough hours from our jobs to discuss the state of the US prison system, the prison abolition movement, and the destruction of prisons. A comrade from supermax lock up and Midwest Pages to...