The Ex-Worker

by CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective · · ·

Welcome to the Ex-Worker: an audio strike against a monotone world! This twice-monthly podcast explores a wide range of anarchist ideas and action. In each episode, we take an in-depth look at a different topic, introducing various manifestations of the struggle for liberation, and round it off with news, reviews, profiles of current anarchist projects, upcoming events, and more. If you're curious about anarchist visions of freedom—or if you dream of a world off the clock—tune in!

An anarchist from Brazil fills us in on Bolsonaro, where he came from, and the dangers his presidency poses to social movements. We talk about how it’s not just killer cop Van Dyke in Chicago, or sexual assaulter Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme...
Alanis is back! And she reads our feature this episode, an audio version of the recent CrimethInc. text We also interview an anarchist in Portland, Oregon about the #PatrickKimmons actions at the intersection where police killed him. Winter, one of...
Our feature this episode is an interview with an anarchist involved in one of the more spectacular —Operation Airdrop. We follow it up with some discussion about the role of anarchist politics in doing autonomous, mutual aid relief work. We also...
The world is a dangerous place in 2018- by a Dallas cop and police are actively raiding the rebel encampment in the . There’s inspiring strike resistance in Central and South America where caused thousands of dollars in damage and a . Hurricane...
It’s 17 years and a day after and Iraq is still in , so we rip apart liberals for thinking George W. Bush is somehow . 2001 pops up again when we compare the current economic crisis in Argentina to the wave of worker-led and that resisted the...
In this Hotwire we bring you two interviews: one from an anarchist organizer involved in in Canada about the recent announcement that ; and we speak with an anti-fascist who was on the streets of Chemnitz, Germany on when anti- fascists blocked the...
This week, you will hear about an picnic in Avalon, PA, some brief analysis about the Nazi mob in Chemnitz, Germany and about some against the Pope’s visit in Ireland]. We interview Michael Loadenthal, a social movement academic and former J20...
This week, you will hear updates from the in Canada, some creative anti-ICE actions, and about some and some of the alt-right’s . We interview Maya Little about the recent toppling of a confederate statue in North Carolina on Monday. Maya shares...
Our first episode of the new season! This week, we look back at the long, hot summer and give an update on antifascist clashes, pipeline resistance, and ICE occupations. on the anniversary of the defeat of Unite the Right, drawing attention to the...
Our last episode of the season! This episode is chocked full of May Day repression updates—from FBI visits in state to the rounded up in . The New School in New York City is occupied once again, and we have an audio report! The begins in less...
Our annual roundup of worldwide May Day actions. We have interviews with participants in May Day actions in , where there was a general strike, and , whose black bloc didn’t only take the cake, they took the whole damn bakery! Indonesia saw black...
Happy ! Find an action near you . To celebrate the anniversary of the strike that led to , and the 8 anarchists executed for it (two of whom were anarchist media producers !) we bring you our favorite anarchist news reporting from throughout history....
This Hotwire we bring you an interview with an anarchist in Managua about the past few weeks of in Nicaragua. We also report on the in Georgia, a also in Georgia, a hunger strike , and in North Carolina. Next week we’ll bring you our regular...
It’s been a week of battle at , and we share a day-to-day play-by-play of the . Elsewhere in France, the Tarnac Nine’s shows that with a little luck and courage, we can beat the state. Direct action for a university occupation against a racist...
As we go to press, hundreds of squatters and eco-rebels are battling against cops at in France. We interview someone there, as well as a participant in about the no-state-solution to the Syrian government’s ongoing attacks on rebel areas. The...
As we go to press, anti-police are ongoing over the , students at Howard University in DC are the recently re-named Kwame Ture Student Center, and teachers in Kentucky and Oklahoma are . This week we interview , an anarchist from Israel, about the ....
As we go to press, protests in Sacramento and beyond are over the police murder of . We interview an anarchist sex worker about the new bill and its impact on sex workers’ safety and organizing. We also feature an interview with a comrade from...
Hundreds of thousands of high school students and against ; anti-pipeline camps hold strong from to to so-called ; we interview an anarchist in Brazil as protests after an anti-police brutality politician was assassinated; the annual march...
This episode we bring you two roundups: one for on , and another for actions across Europe. We also share a for and international day of solidarity to #DefendAfrin on March 24. The has ended, and we share from the longest strike in West Virginia...
This episode we bring you two interviews. The first is an on-the-ground report from the days of to and Lansing, with a to help arrested anti-fascists. Next, we interview a West Virginian anarchist about what makes the there so unique and...