
by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting · · ·

CounterSpin, the weekly radio program of the media watch group FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), provides a critical examination of the major stories every week, and exposes what the mainstream media might have missed in their own coverage. CounterSpin exposes and highlights biased and inaccurate news; censored stories; sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism in the news; the power of corporate influence; gaffes and goofs by leading TV pundits; TV news’ narrow political spectrum; attacks on free speech; and more.

An unprecedented labor action is underway as thousands of Midwest autoworkers working for the Big 3 went on strike at the same time.
September 11, 2001, is the exemplar of a past that isn’t dead, or even past, and for no one more particularly than Muslims.
Media have an active disinterest in telling the story of the Korean peninsula in anything other than static, cartoonish terms.
It does no disservice to the education battles of the current day to connect them to previous battles and conversations.
The ADA demands all kinds of attention, every day—not a once a year pat on the back about "how far we’ve come."
Unlike elite media’s misty memories, the lawsuit is a stubborn indication that those responsible for Abu Ghraib haven't been called to account.
Facial recognition, a technology that has been proven wrong, has been deemed harmful, in principle and in practice, for years now.
Elite media are deeply accustomed to calling any union action a harm, and any company acknowledgment of workers’ value a concession.
Advocates have long declared that Biden’s asylum restrictions are not just harmful but unlawful. And a federal judge has just agreed.
Say Her Name is about adding Black women to our understanding of police violence—to help make our response more meaningful and impactful.
White supremacy and economic policy are completely different stories for the press, but not for the people.
There is no way to fight climate disruption without fighting climate disrupters.
The impacts of the Dobbs ruling are still reverberating, as is the organized pushback that we can learn about and support.
When Daniel Ellsberg died, media burnished their own reputation as truth- tellers while somehow dishonoring the practice of truth-telling.
Narrative is an important tool for folks looking to change the world for the better, in part by changing the stories we tell one another.
What will the legalization, and profitizing, of marijuana mean for the people and communities most harmed by its criminalization?
Asian-American students are being used as the face of attempts to eliminate affirmative action or race-consciousness in college admissions.
Many corporate news reporters seem unable to present a labor action as other than an unwonted interruption of a natural order.
Some officials fully intend to treat anyone who stands in opposition to whatever they decide they want to do as enemies of the state.
Whether the Supreme Court gets away with its rejection of ethics depends in part on journalists' willingness to stick with the stories.