
by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting · · ·

CounterSpin, the weekly radio program of the media watch group FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), provides a critical examination of the major stories every week, and exposes what the mainstream media might have missed in their own coverage. CounterSpin exposes and highlights biased and inaccurate news; censored stories; sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism in the news; the power of corporate influence; gaffes and goofs by leading TV pundits; TV news’ narrow political spectrum; attacks on free speech; and more.

Those who want to eliminate the Indian Child Welfare Act are opposed by the reality that made the Act necessary in the first place.
The struggle for pay and dignity at the University of California is part of a bigger fight about whether educators are actual workers.
The African continent as a playing field for white people to test their theories, extract resources and stage proxy wars is time-tested.
It's hard not to imagine the use that a differently focused press corps might make of Brazil's change of direction.
The affordable housing crisis is not just capitalism run amok, because that doesn't happen without government involvement.
US news media ignore the role US intervention has played throughout Haitian history in order to push for the same sort of intervention again.
Overt, proud-of-it bias has shaped coverage of Mumia Abu-Jamal's case from the outset, and current mentions suggest little has changed.
Election coverage should be judged not by how reporters "treat" Democrats or Republicans, but about how they inform and engage the public.
Growing numbers of people have concerns, not just about uncritical US support for Israel, but also about the shutdown of critics.
With tens of thousands of workers walking out around the country, the notion that this is somehow not meaningful should be hard to maintain.
Tax giveaways to non–Puerto Ricans mean money not going to Puerto Rico's energy systems, schools, hospitals, housing.
US news media need to not only acknowledge inflicting racist harms, but take seriously the idea of repairing them.
For corporate media, being a paid flack for the police in no way disqualifies you to offer analysis of law enforcement.
News media missed an opportunity to interrogate the media outlets and politicians who repeatedly invoke the white replacement idea.
The film Powerlands covers Indigenous people around the world, and the resource extraction stealing their water, minerals and homelands.
The corporate media narrative on Israel/Palestine makes it hard to make sense of the recent assault by Israeli forces on the Gaza Strip.
We have some questions about the US government's claim that this time, they're really bringing stability and security to Central America.
Alex Jones' lawyer says talking about his white supremacism would "distract from the main issues." What are the "main issues" about Jones?
This week on CounterSpin: The crises we face right now in the US—a nominally democratic political process that’s strangled by white supremacist values, a corporate profiteering system that mindlessly overrides human needs to treat the environment as ju...
There's a way to tell the story of heat waves that connects to policy and planning, but that centers human beings.