
by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting · · ·

CounterSpin, the weekly radio program of the media watch group FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), provides a critical examination of the major stories every week, and exposes what the mainstream media might have missed in their own coverage. CounterSpin exposes and highlights biased and inaccurate news; censored stories; sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism in the news; the power of corporate influence; gaffes and goofs by leading TV pundits; TV news’ narrow political spectrum; attacks on free speech; and more.

This week on CounterSpin: The internet has changed the way we communicate, access information and even organize, which means concerns about digital privacy are concerns about privacy, period. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v.
This week on CounterSpin: The Supreme Court’s reversal on abortion rights is so actually and potentially devastating that it’s hard to know where to look. It’s worth tracing things back—Katherine Stewart in the Guardian, among others,
A Supreme Court led by Chief Justice John Roberts has gutted multiple legally and societally established precedents.
This week on CounterSpin: Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion on Kennedy v. Bremerton that “the Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression,
It's hard to parse corporate media coverage of Biden's Saudi visit, because that coverage obscures rather than illuminates what's going on.
It's 40 years since Vincent Chin's murder, with a depressingly resonant context of anti-Asian hatred and scapegoating,
There are people and policies, with names, preventing developing countries from accessing life-saving Covid vaccines.
While alternative media are up in arms about the Supreme Court's ruling, corporate news media don't seem to think there's much to see there.
This week on CounterSpin: CBS News‘ website featured a story about the “grim task” of planning funerals for 19 children—shot dead, along with two teachers, in a Texas elementary school on May 24—right next to a story about Oklahoma’s governor signing...
The Buffalo killer is a white supremacist who believes there's a plot run by Jews to "replace" white people with Black and brown people.
Elite media are interested in abortion as an issue, but it is not understood as a human right but rather as a partisan football.
A new website uses critical race theory as a prism to explore the range of threats to multi-racial democracy and our ability to fight for it.
"If it bleeds, it leads" journalism lets news outlets look as though they're tracking an important event in real time.
Who pays taxes, how much, and why? We revisit two conversations about tax policy racism and taxing the rich on this week's show.
The Philadelphia Inquirer's "A More Perfect Union" project is aimed at examining racism in US institutions, including media institutions.
This week on CounterSpin: He wanted to go to the Capitol on January 6, Donald Trump tells the Washington Post, but the Secret Service wouldn’t let him. He hated the violence, and was furious Nancy Pelosi wasn’t putting a stop to it.
Will we keep having a Supreme Court justice declaring himself "one being" with a spouse who declares the 2020 election an "obvious fraud"?
It's a good time to recall that we had a war in this country in which many people declared that they cared more about white supremacy.
Yemen is not a rhetorical device. It's a country of human beings in crisis.
Economic pressure is presented as a way of avoiding violence. But there's a problem with seeing sanctions as an alternative to war.