
by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting · · ·

CounterSpin, the weekly radio program of the media watch group FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), provides a critical examination of the major stories every week, and exposes what the mainstream media might have missed in their own coverage. CounterSpin exposes and highlights biased and inaccurate news; censored stories; sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism in the news; the power of corporate influence; gaffes and goofs by leading TV pundits; TV news’ narrow political spectrum; attacks on free speech; and more.

US corporate media don't seem to see a story worth telling in India, beyond how Modi might hold on to power despite some unfortunate "missteps."
Who's speaking for the actual majority of US citizens who support a person's right to determine whether and when to have a child?
Do elite media have space for people who don't want to risk their lives for less money than they need to live?
Where elite media present a frozen he said/she said, never-the-twain-shall- meet debate over Israel/Palestine, more and more people see a different way forward.
Tucker Carlson spews harmful nonsense like it's his job, which it is, and he gets some $10 million a year from it—but did you know that, if you have cable, you're paying into that income?
If the Chauvin verdict is testament to the power of protest, so too are the vigorous efforts to squelch that power. Plus: Right-wing legislators target trans kids at the state level.
While recognizing that it's not the sole source of inequality, there are things we can do about blatant, enduring and powerful unfairness in US tax policy.
Daniel Hale stands convicted of revealing things the US government didn't want known about its drone warfare programs—the ones elite media have often presented as precise in separating "bad guys" from "innocents."
If we don't learn from this pandemic that none of us can be healthy unless all of us are healthy, how many chances will we get?
Many are simply fed up with the idea that change is too hard. Will media conversation shift to keep up with them?