
by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting · · ·

CounterSpin, the weekly radio program of the media watch group FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), provides a critical examination of the major stories every week, and exposes what the mainstream media might have missed in their own coverage. CounterSpin exposes and highlights biased and inaccurate news; censored stories; sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism in the news; the power of corporate influence; gaffes and goofs by leading TV pundits; TV news’ narrow political spectrum; attacks on free speech; and more.

OAN's audience has been told that Trump really won the 2020 election and that chemical cocktails are better for Covid than vaccines.
Though the Postal Service has always been a public good, its current leaders seem intent on driving it into the ground.
Media announce a rise in the murder rate with coverage steeped in false presumptions about what that means and how to respond.
"We’re going to have a representative of fossil fuel interests crafting the policy that reduces our emissions from fossil fuels."
Racist fables, omissions and hypocrisy have plagued US media's Africa reporting through history and up to today.
The Supreme Court refused to address, which amounts to an endorsement, what is overwhelmingly understood as an unconstitutional Texas law.
A bankruptcy ruling shields the Sackler family, profiteers on Oxycontin, responsible for, conservatively, half a million deaths by overdose.
Some US media are now lauding Jim Loewen, but without ceasing to generate the very sort of misty misinformation he fought against.
US media consumers may need not a broom but a shovel to deal with the self- aggrandizing, history-erasing misinformation headed our way.
Listeners to this show may take it as a given that, if you care about social, racial, economic justice, you have to also care about media—because corporate news media promote narratives that shape public opinion, public policy and all of our lives.
The hardships facing Cubans—and the actions the United States could take to stop contributing to those hardships.
Media have misinformed the public about a campaign whose own architects say is about disinforming, confusing and inflaming people.
Media's prescription of law enforcement as the primary response is called by many Asian Americans a problem presenting itself as a solution,
The long history of the US using state force to kill Haitians and their aspirations is sufficient and appropriate context for current events.
Nestle's profitability relies on a chocolate supply chain that includes literal slave labor in the Ivory Coast.
How do we protect our society from campaigns to stop people from voting or speaking or going into the street to protest things that are wrong?
The notion of real change after Donald Trump is undermined by a close look at Biden's actual immigration policy.
The filibuster is the crucial backdrop to any conversation about the Biden agenda, though media don't always bring that point home.
In the way they balance worker health and company success, worker co-ops complicate corporate media's economic storyline.
Journalism has been central to public reckoning with the Tulsa massacre ever since that late May night 100 years ago.