postmarketOS Podcast

by postmarketOS · · ·

News/interviews/anecdotes around postmarketOS, straight from the source.

What's Biktor's background and motivation for doing all that work with his alternative EG25-G modem firmware? Will we finally be able to upgrade from one postmarketOS release to the next one with upcoming v22.06? What's it like to play around in the SDM845 audio maze? You guessed it, we'll talk …
If you are like us and open the virtual newspaper once a week to discover what's new in the scene without getting your brain fried by social media, you'll be as excited as we are to learn more about the person that keeps the show running. The weekly updates …
"Allow yourself to spend time on things today that create more time tomorrow." - with that in mind, the new mrtest tool was created. In fact, it was just finished up and released as 1.0.0 along with this episode. Even the aports.git support got implemented! You probably think "what the …
We got a chance to talk to Miles Alan about a lot of his exciting projects: how he started Sxmo, his new and even more minimalistic framebufferphone UI, and the super fast map application Mepo. The latter will not only run on Sxmo and fbp, but also Phosh and possibly …
Shortly after @Danct12 asked about everyone's favorite singer in the extended Q&A part of the Closing session (not recorded), a few of us met ~~outside of FOSDEM~~ in front of our computers again to talk a bit about our experience at FOSDEM 2022. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @MartijnBraam, @calebccff (in order of …
An easy way to upgrade the PinePhone's modem to Biktor's firmware is quite the puzzle to solve. Dylan has been finding and patching one piece after another, and elaborates what the whole picture with fwupd looks like. Besides that, we get into a lot of mainlining related topics and even …
It has been one year since we launched the podcast, and this time it's mostly about the upcoming v21.12 release. Among other topics, we have a follow up on TTYescape, which Caleb introduced in their interview in [#8](/episode/08-Interview-Caleb-Connolly-SDM-845-Mainlining/). So grab a pair of headphones or blast it through your speakers …
Chris Talbot aka @kop316 plays a huge part in getting MMS support on modern mobile Linux distributions. We sit down virtually and talk about the journey he went through to make this possible, besides lots of other topics. At one point some of us hear for the first time what …
Following up on WayDroid since we last talked about it in #8 - still experimental but now properly packaged for edge. So less hacking around to give it a try. Besides that -- as always -- we have a fun time with a whole bunch of other news. For feedback …
We share the fun times we had debugging ModemManager call and SMS handling with the PinePhone. The bunch of news also includes how the PineBookPro and RockPro64 leveled up from testing to community and the black magic that had to be performed to get custom lockscreen and app menu backgrounds …
Guess what, we did another interview episode - this time with Caleb! After talking about various cool recovery systems that will make you feel like a true hacker when used, we talk about how they got sucked into the free software Linux smartphone scene. From how amazing it is to …
So what is Megapixels? Not only that is answered, but we also take a deep dive into technical details of our favorite camera application. Besides that we cover the new release, new devices, and a whole bunch of other news. Featuring @craftyguy, @dylanvanassche, @ollieparanoid, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance). Send …
Part two of what happened in May of 2021 in postmarketOS. We don't follow a story arc, so you can listen to them in any order ;) Featuring @craftyguy, @PureTryOut, @dylanvanassche, @z3ntu, @MartijnBraam, @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance). Send in your questions with #postmarketOSpodcast on Mastodon! Referenced in this episode: …
So what happens if you do an interview episode, and then push all news from that month into next month? You end up with recording a way too long episode. We decided to split it up into two, so it's easier to listen to them and the show notes for …
A different format for the episode this time, an interview with proycon, who is one of the sxmo developers. Besides the interview there's an announcement of Alpineconf, an online conference about Alpine Linux. Send in your questions with #postmarketOSpodcast on Mastodon! Featuring @craftyguy, @MartijnBraam, @PureTryOut, @dylanvanassche, @z3ntu, @proycon (in order …
Dylan joins the team! And besides the usual bunch of news, we learn how Martijn's kitchen counter is involved with the upcoming homepage redesign. The questions section covers what's so great about Alpine, and what mobile-config- firefox is all about. Send in your questions with #postmarketOSpodcast on Mastodon! Featuring @craftyguy, …
Lots of news to share, then answering a few #postmarketOSpodcast questions (keep them coming!). Featuring @craftyguy, @PureTryOut, @z3ntu, @MartijnBraam and @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: * [openrc-settingsd]( * [GPodder]( * Matrix clients: * [Fractal]( * [Mirage]( * [NeoChat]( * Chatty WIP matrix support: * [pmaports branch]( …
The second episode of our podcast featuring @craftyguy, @z3ntu, @PureTryOut, @MartijnBraam and @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance). This episode features a news update of the progress of some components of postmarketOS and we answer some of the #postmarketOSpodcast questions submitted after the release of the first episode. We also added …
#1 History Dec. 19, 2020
Our first podcast episode featuring @craftyguy, @PureTryOut, @z3ntu, @MartijnBraam and @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance). We go into the project's history and share a couple of anecdotes from before postmarketOS was published until the creation of the PinePhone postmarketOS community edition in 2020. Consider giving us some feedback (and questions …